Chiropractic · Ongoing Wellness · Massage Therapy
We get you well and keep you well!

Use Our Contact Form or
Call 706-946-5555
Dr. Grostic utilizes the Grostic/Orthospinology Procedure, which is a low force, non-rotary upper cervical (neck) technique.
If adjustments to the lower spine are required, Dr. Grostic will utilize a low force, non-rotary drop table, hand held instrument, or flexion-distraction adjustment technique.
If you would like to reach your maximum health potential, schedule an appointment by using our contact form or calling 706-946-5555 today.
We look forward to meeting all of your healthcare needs!
Do You Suffer From?

Back, Neck, Shoulder Pain



Sports, Work, Personal Injuries

Use Our Contact Form or
Call 706-946-5555
39 Lance Street – Suite 6
Blue Ridge, GA 30513

Meet Dr. Richard Grostic
Chiropractic is not just a profession to me, but rather a way for me to help improve your life and the lives of others. I am passionate about using my skills and experience to assist you and as many folks as I can in achieving greater health.
To witness the positive impact and see the miraculous changes for individuals and entire families, is a privilege and rewarding experience that only gets better with each passing day.
I am a third generation chiropractor, with my family having been in the business of helping people since 1933. In my own lifetime, I have both witnessed and experienced the real true value of Chiropractic care. Being raised in Chiropractic has afforded me the opportunity and depth of understanding to provide exceptional and individualized attention to your health needs and the health of others.
I look forward to being YOUR Chiropractor! – Dr. Richard Grostic
Our Hours – Appointment Required
Monday 9am – 5pm
Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Wednesday CLOSED
Thursday 9am – 5pm
Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 9am – Noon
To Request Appointment
Call 706-946-5555